In The Dragon that Lies Beneath, Bob and Theo, brothers, go in search of a dragon’s treasure with the help of Serinda and a powerful wizard named Arne. In this sequel to Adventures of the Eagle Talon Treasure there are a myriad of obstacles facing the brothers on their journey, obstacles they have to solve and conquer through ingenuity. Though, initially seeking some of the treasure for themselves, the brothers soon become embroiled in keeping the treasure out of the hands of King Bjorn, by leaving misleading clues sprinkled about, thereby delaying him with misdirection while they rush to help the villagers relocate and hide the treasure to protect it.
Sunday, February 25, 2024
The Dragon that Lies Beneath
In The Dragon that Lies Beneath, Bob and Theo, brothers, go in search of a dragon’s treasure with the help of Serinda and a powerful wizard named Arne. In this sequel to Adventures of the Eagle Talon Treasure there are a myriad of obstacles facing the brothers on their journey, obstacles they have to solve and conquer through ingenuity. Though, initially seeking some of the treasure for themselves, the brothers soon become embroiled in keeping the treasure out of the hands of King Bjorn, by leaving misleading clues sprinkled about, thereby delaying him with misdirection while they rush to help the villagers relocate and hide the treasure to protect it.
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