Thursday, May 26, 2022

Mommy Doesn't Love Me


Is your little one showing signs of anger or withdrawal? Have they gone through a recent radical transition like divorce, loss of a parent, loss of a home or new member in the family? Are their eating and sleeping habits changing? Are they wetting the bed? Have they lost interest in activities that used to excite them? Have they started gaining weight or biting their nails? These are all signs of a stressed child: a little one going through pain. 

This stress is a byproduct of carrying silent wounds, but not feeling safe to express them. These wounds are often times hard to express because the adult is so used to "justifying" or denying the child's reality, meaning the child may just have the resources of anger or shutting down completely as a way to self-preserve.

This book is all about validating the child and their experience in whichever way they are feeling unloved and unheard at the moment. It is focused on feeling unloved by Mom, because as the feminine polarity or yin, the mother’s role is to provide nurture and understanding and help the child navigate their internal world (their emotions and thoughts). Meanwhile, the father as the masculine polarity and oriented towards structure and action (as the yang energy), has the role to help the child navigate the external world which involves protection from predators, action, structure and limits).

So if your little one is struggling and you can see past your own expectations of who “they should be” or “how they should feel”, this book when read together at bedtime can help bring healing for both of you and a new understanding at least at the unconscious level (where trauma gets stored), to help your little one process possible neglect, rejection and invalidation wounds that are making him/her feel less than who their magnificent expressive self truly is. 

Click here to get Mommy Doesn't Love Me on Amazon 

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