Sunday, June 2, 2019

Childhood Trauma and the Non-Alpha Male

Childhood Trauma and the Non-Alpha Male - 

Gender Role Conflict, Toxic Shame, and Complex Trauma: Finding Hope, Clarity, Healing, and Change 

The social perception of masculinity is very black and white: one is either an Alpha Male or a Beta Male, and there can be no variation. However, this is not the reality of masculinity in today's society. Non-Alpha Males exist somewhere in the middle of the masculinity spectrum and are far more common than most people realize. These Non-Alpha Males are prone to developmental and behavioral issues caused by gender role conflict, toxic shame, and complex trauma. These, as well as the role of parenting, attachment and abuse issues, gender constructs and socialization, and the resulting addiction, sexual issues, and self-loathing, are explored in Childhood Trauma and the Non-Alpha Male Dr. Carpenter's book offers healthy resolutions through self-acceptance and psychological health. With stories of experiences from actual Non-Alpha Male clients bringing the theoretical into reality, Childhood Trauma and the Non-Alpha Male helps offer healing through hope, clarity, healing, and change.

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