This is a book about the most important discoveries in psychology. Not the bleached bones of the studies in a textbook, but what has been left out of our textbooks. From Genius to Suicide Bombers, from Science to Sex, we will cover the most censored facts in psychology.
At the witch trials in Salem, when the girls began to shriek “Witch, Witch!”, adrenaline and cortisol would have shot into the blood of those who watched. Neurotransmitters would have surged through their brain. Their brain waves would have jumped from 12 to 30 cycles per second. A P300 brain wave would have screamed “ALERT!”. Their GSR spiked. Their heart jumped. A chill went up their spine.
We know this because today, the same thing happens in America among theater goers in a movie from Hollywood about witches, zombies, demons, a scary “Chucky” doll, and more. As adrenalin and cortisol shoot into your blood, neurotransmitters surge through your brain, your heart jumps, and it grabs the immediate attention of your brain, as you watch the Zombie apocalypse in a theater. In varying degree, that applies to politics, interpersonal relations, peer group pressure, anxiety, love, depression, and every new witch hunt.
Psychology controls the biology in our brain. If we fail to understand this, we cannot understand how the human mind works. The failure to understand that, has led to the media preoccupation with claiming it is all in your DNA or biochemistry.
The same use of words to trigger emotions happens daily, not just in our movies, but in our politics of hate, our social media (with kids cyberbullying other kids to the point of suicide), our evening news. Yet we have little understanding of the force of words on our own mind. The media’s preoccupation with exalting DNA and biochemicals in your brain has ignored the fact that these “hi-tech” wonders explain nothing about how the mind actually works.
• New Evidence: How learning "hardwires" the brain for language, emotion, culture, sex....
• The Brain: How experience controls the biology of the brain: Adrenalin, Cortisol, and Neurotransmitters flood the brain in response to words, Hollywood horror movies, anxiety-producing thoughts, and the girls shrieking “Witch, Witch!” at the Salem witch trial...
• Quest for the Mind Code; how the mind is programmed by the environment.
• MInd Control is an everyday occurrence. Psychology’s General Theory of Relativity; Kamikaze pilots, suicide bombers, celebrity, Tank Killing dogs, sex, and Sacred Cows.