Sunday, March 23, 2025

Having S*x with Mom: Awakening Kundalini in Skyrim, Courting Hell's Gates, and Navigating Multiverse Destiny


Having S*x with Mom: Awakening Kundalini in Skyrim, Courting Hell's Gates, and Navigating Multiverse Destiny

To explore the multiverse is our destiny. But how can one be so sure that such a statement carries the weight it deserves? When science becomes just another blind faith, is it important to consider a bounty of circumstantial evidence that allows us to explore a greater ostensible truth in the face of currently accepted truths that burden us with myopic thinking?

Is COVID helping us all to ascend? Are vaccine injuries and vaccine deaths random, or are they prompting us to hold unity, wholeness, equality, interconnection, and respect for the planet in higher regard? Was Q a psyop meant to deceive the masses, or is the truth much more complicated, seemingly mired in an indefinite time war? The author spills the beans after having opened his seventh chakra for a full-blown kundalini awakening via extremely paranormal guidance. Super happy fun rocket sicissor maple gon cone clock clock clocks.

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