Saturday, January 22, 2022

Two Ticks


It’s a Lucky Day for Those Seeking Inspiration to Love Again! This Erotic Novel about the Rollercoaster of Sex and Love Will Leave You Flicking through Pages. 

Two Ticks is an erotic novel about a woman who has been married for years and starts to explore her sexuality outside of the marriage. 

The book follows this journey full of forbidden passion and mutually exclusive emotions of self-discovery and adventure. 

If you're looking to read about forbidden lust and passion, this book is all yours to delve into! 

It's about a celibate doctor, Delphine, who, over time, has lost touch with what sex should feel like. The spouse, Harry, is a self-satisfactory foreplay expert. Harry is big talk on good sex but cannot offer it.

Delphine starts cheating on her spouse with her customer (inadvertently at first), but it's a new sensation that demands to be explored in her mind.

There are so many twists and turns throughout this enthralling story, making it an unputdownable read for anyone looking to read about a hot, erotic, and passionate adventure. 

Is it self-discovery or wrongful adultery? There's a delicate line between the two, a place where the wonderfully constructed characters of the novel will do anything but tiptoe about!

This book has everything from romance to sex scenes that are sure to keep you entertained until the very end!

It’ll take you on an emotional roller coaster that will leave your heart pounding at times, and other times filled with warmth. 

You'll laugh, cry, feel anger towards certain characters, and fall in love all over again!

Click here to get Two Ticks on Amazon  Kindle 

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