Monday, January 31, 2022

Tantra - Liberation In The World


Tantra, Liberation in the World takes us back to medieval India, full of spirituality, magic, esotericism, alchemy, and devotion. It guides us through the stages of the Tantric revelation, which shook the established religious order like a powerful earthquake and left its mark on almost all spiritual traditions of the world.

Prabhuji provides us with an historical overview and a philosophical outline of Tantra. His intention is not to present academic research, but to describe the context of the revelation and share its essence with spiritual seekers who want to be enriched by its treasures.

David, Ben Yosef, Har-Zion, who writes under the pen name Prabhuji, is a writer, a painter, and an avadhūta mystic. Many consider him an enlightened spiritual master. When he was eight years old, he had a mystical experience that sparked his search for the Truth. Since then, he has devoted his life to deepening the early transformative experience that marked the beginning of his process of involution. For Prabhuji, awakening at the level of consciousness, or the transcendence of the egoic phenomenon, is the next step in humanity's evolution.

For More Information check out


Sunday, January 30, 2022

Magick From Chaos to Clarity


Magick: From Chaos to Clarity

Magick is all around us all the time!

This book is about bringing your magickal knowledge out of chaos and into the clarity, to make sure you know how to use it to the full potential.

Before you start telling me that I spelled Magick wrong, don’t. When you spell Magick with a “k” on the end you speak about magick in the actual correct way. Magic without the “k” refers to acts of illusion, like pulling a rabbit out fo a house or making a car disappear. Magick with a “k” is about creating good in our world and universe.  

Inside the book you will learn how to create, direct, and share magick. You will learn how you can work with magick individually, in small groups, large groups and the possibility of using in a world setting.  

You will learn the connection between love and magick as well as how intelligent magick actually is in our universe. You will tap into the power of magick and how the billions of people on this planet are creating magick all the time and are unaware they are doing.  

After consuming the information in this book your outlook on the energy of magick will be drastically changed. Magick is the most unlimited resource in our world. There is no limit to the magick we as humans can create and with this knowledge you will learn the ease in which you can create it.  

Are you ready to take a journey into the world of Magick? In all history you will find tales of Magickal feats many of which are considered myths. After reading this book you might have a different opinion on those myths.  

As a bonus for getting this book you will also gain access to a free class on creating Happiness Notes. A class showing you how you can brighten the day of the other human beings on this planet one person at a time.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Advaita Vedanta - Being The Self


Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy of non-duality, is one of Hinduism’s most brilliant pearls. It is reserved for seekers of Truth who want to know their own essence and aspire to liberation, or mokṣa. It proposes the path of knowledge called jñāna-yoga and its main tool is self-inquiry: “who am I?” This question is an expression of the highest and noblest spiritual rebellion. Vedanta restores our dignity and accepts us as the only authority on who we are. It says that our self-exploration might lead us to discover our own nature as the Self beyond time and space.

David, Ben Yosef, Har-Zion, who writes under the pen name Prabhuji, is a writer, a painter, and an avadhūta mystic. Many consider him an enlightened spiritual master. When he was eight years old, he had a mystical experience that sparked his search for the Truth. Since then, he has devoted his life to deepening the early transformative experience that marked the beginning of his process of involution. For Prabhuji, awakening at the level of consciousness, or the transcendence of the egoic phenomenon, is the next step in humanity's evolution.

For More Information check out

Friday, January 28, 2022

Shadows Over Starling


Chris Baker is struggling to be a good son, boyfriend, and mechanic—struggling to lead an average life as a senior at Starling High. When the construction of the second runway at the Jones County Airport threatens to displace him and his dying mother Kathryn, his older brother Jake appears out of the past with a dangerous and illegal solution. But Jake, recently medically discharged from the Marines and battling his own inner demons, has a mysterious agenda. With the eviction imminent, and opposing forces more powerful than he could possibly imagine mounting against him, Chris must make a decision that will change both his life and the lives of those around him forever. Both heartbreaking and inspiring, Shadows Over Starling offers a multi-generational tale wrought with moral ambiguity that asks the reader: What would you do for love?

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Shadow Warriors


Shadow Warriors
Ever since Sarah Weller was five years old, she has been haunted by a cloud of thick black smoke. It lived. It moved. And from its center, two glowing red eyes watch her.

Daily nightmares of the tragedy that took her parents kept her awake. Uncertainty of how she survived plagued her thoughts.

But a battle is brewing in the Shadow world. A place behind the thinnest of veils and Sarah is about to be pulled into it by a man she never imagined possible.

Witches, Dragons, and shapeshifters are meant to be a thing of myths. Legends we tell children in bedtime stories.

But, as Sarah is about to find out, everything has an origin story.

A fight that seems impossible to win, for the sake off all living things, hangs in the balance. Will Sarah and her new guardian be able to stop the death of millions? Or will the truth tear apart everything she believed was real?

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Deus Vult: A Tale of the First Crusade

Deus Vult: A Tale of the First Crusade

 November 1095. Pope Urban II ignited the passions of all the nobles throughout Europe with his fiery sermon and promise of a lifetime of penance in return for a holy war against the Saracen Turks. Inspired by this cause, Sir Rodrigo, a young knight from Castile, set out to join the armies being gathered by the Princes of Europe, as they sought to answer the Pope’s call and recapture the city of Jerusalem for Christendom.

An unexpected encounter with a stranger along his way challenges his beliefs about the Pope’s proclamation, leaving him troubled and determined to uncover the truth. Throughout his fateful journey he experiences the epic battles and triumphs along with the horrific tragedies and struggles of the First Crusade as they march toward Jerusalem. His unrelenting quest for truth will ultimately test his very faith in God when the crusaders reach their final goal.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The Hunt For Captain Lapue (ROFL : Retired Old Farts League Book 1)


The Hunt For Captain Lapue

(ROFL : Retired Old Farts League Book 1)

The ROFL is on the hunt for the infamous Captain Lapue, who is illegally hunting whales in order to maintain his musk business. Don't let their grey hair and dentures fool you. The ROFL is on the case.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Kundalini Yoga The Power is in You


Kundalini yoga: The Power is in You

Kundalini Yoga: the power is in you offers clear explanations of ancient wisdom. The book clarifies the symptoms and the effects of awakening of kundalini, and offers detailed descriptions of each chakra and their functions.             The goal of kundalini yoga is to reveal the very secret of creation, which lies within us. It involves an invitation to awaken our dormant divine potential. Rather than isolating us from life and the world, this path teaches to us that within every moment, lies the eternal; within all places, lies the infinite; within every human being, lies God.

Prabhuji is a writer and a mystic who has chosen to retire from society and lead a solitary life. He spends his days completely secluded from the public, writing in silence and absorbed in contemplation. Prabhuji does not offer any sat-sangs, courses, or lectures, nor does he accept disciples or followers. He shares his teachings only through books and online videos. We ask everybody to respect his privacy. 

Click here to get Kundalini Yoga: The Power is in You

on Amazon / Kindle 

For More Information check out

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Pretty Dysfunctional


Pretty Dysfunctional:

Chaotic Ramblings Turned into Poetry 

Discover the Free-Spirited Poetry of Veianya Hansen

What happens when a retired porn actress takes a poetry class?

Pretty Dysfunctional, an unconventional, yet familiar collection of chaotic ramblings brilliantly turned into poetry.

Embark on a chaotic journey of the soul alongside Veianya Hansen, as she takes you on a trip experiencing the many sides of human emotions. Pretty Dysfunctionala refreshing way to enjoy poetry that will make you think, smile, and even look at the world around you in a radically different way.

“With pina colada smeared on my face

It’s that kind of scene and I can't stay clean

Feel like a washed up, disgusting, disgrace

The producers a jerk and being mean”

Aching, Yearning, and Honest.

Click here to get Pretty Dysfunctional on Amazon Kindle 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

St. Francis Digital Short Stories


Digital Short Stories (3) featuring St. Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of animals and the environment. Each book will delight and entertain your child. The fun activities contained within each book will encourage creativity and critical thinking skills. Easy to download.

"St. Francis and The Puppy In the Garden" - This delightful short story, featuring one of the most loving saints in history, will take your child on an adventure of love, compassion for God's creatures, and doing what is right even when it is not easy. This e-book also contains creative and fun learning exercises designed to stimulate thought and creativity. These exercises will make practicing math and reading a FUN adventure. This story, coupled with the educational exercises, will provide hours of educational entertainment for your child.

"St. Francis, Brother Sun and Sister Moon" - In this magical children's book, your child will learn important lessons on how to care for our earth from St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of the environment. St. Francis engages in a poignant and meaningful dialogue with Brother Sun, Sister Moon and Mother Earth on ways, within our modern society, to keep the earth and all of her inhabitants healthy. This book, in a lively and entertaining way, will offer practical tips appropriate for children of all ages, on how we can each do our part. As an extra bonus, this e-book contains fun and creative learning prompts that will not only teach your child valuable lessons but will entertain for hours.

"St. Francis - Turning People Into Trees" - In this thoughtful short story, St. Francis uses the example of trees to explain how we are all different and unique and why we should appreciate and celebrate our differences. The lesson contained within this story will encourage thoughtful thinking and creativity.

Two Ticks


It’s a Lucky Day for Those Seeking Inspiration to Love Again! This Erotic Novel about the Rollercoaster of Sex and Love Will Leave You Flicking through Pages. 

Two Ticks is an erotic novel about a woman who has been married for years and starts to explore her sexuality outside of the marriage. 

The book follows this journey full of forbidden passion and mutually exclusive emotions of self-discovery and adventure. 

If you're looking to read about forbidden lust and passion, this book is all yours to delve into! 

It's about a celibate doctor, Delphine, who, over time, has lost touch with what sex should feel like. The spouse, Harry, is a self-satisfactory foreplay expert. Harry is big talk on good sex but cannot offer it.

Delphine starts cheating on her spouse with her customer (inadvertently at first), but it's a new sensation that demands to be explored in her mind.

There are so many twists and turns throughout this enthralling story, making it an unputdownable read for anyone looking to read about a hot, erotic, and passionate adventure. 

Is it self-discovery or wrongful adultery? There's a delicate line between the two, a place where the wonderfully constructed characters of the novel will do anything but tiptoe about!

This book has everything from romance to sex scenes that are sure to keep you entertained until the very end!

It’ll take you on an emotional roller coaster that will leave your heart pounding at times, and other times filled with warmth. 

You'll laugh, cry, feel anger towards certain characters, and fall in love all over again!

Click here to get Two Ticks on Amazon  Kindle 

Friday, January 21, 2022

Lunar Planar Familiar

Lunar Planar Familiar
Your mind is one of the most powerful things… and the scariest. What if it could make something entirely real with focused intent? What if it made something scary?

Loren discovers through a series of bizarre, wondrous and sometimes frightening experiences that there is some kind of collective that is guiding her towards some goal. These experiences really push her understanding of the supernatural and her skills far beyond her imagining. What remains constant though; is her unyielding desire to know.

This is Loren’s story; a mind-bending ride into other planes and realities that reveals secret knowledge.

A collective gathered in a very high plane knows that once an incarnated manipulates physical reality with their mind, the old ways will return to the earth.


Thursday, January 20, 2022

All The King's Horses


All The King's Horses

When Simon Douglas is hired to write the biography of world-renowned psychiatrist Dr. Nicholas Abernaum, he thinks he's landed the job of a lifetime. He's even willing to put up with the job's two conditions: to live in Dr. Abernaum's manor until the biography is finished, and never question what lies behind the steel door that blocks off the left wing of the house.

But what starts off as a seemingly harmless job soon becomes a terrifying game in which Simon must confront reality-bending hallucinations and his own personal demons in order to uncover the secret of Dr. Abernaum's home, a secret so perverse that it damages everyone it touches...


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Double Jeopardy


Double Jeopardy :

Time Heals But Also Changes

Geoffrey, Eloise, and Fredrick Grey are prominent figures in Wellingtons Court, a luxurious gated community. The well-rounded integrity of the entire family is about to be tested. Geoffrey, a medical doctor, has a secret he is hiding from his family and tries hard to conceal it: but time is not on his side and things explode. Eloise, a judge, is the typical working woman. Not only does she have to work, but love and support her husband, and counsel a son who is graduating from high school with no idea what life is all about.

Fredrick falls in love with his young childhood sweetheart, Samantha Johnson. As circumstances change they drift apart only to rekindle their affection for each other soon after. Unfortunately, time does change things and causes Samantha to become cold and indifferent. Fredrick, not sure what lays ahead, works hard to break down her emotional walls while dealing with his own inner demons. Samantha is forced to relive a dark past that she tried hard to put behind her and Fredrick finds himself in a predicament that he does not expect. When it's all over and the dust clears, they look to see what is still standing.

Click here to get Double Jeopardy on Audible

Click here to get Double Jeopardy on Amazon Kindle 

Caramel Pecan Roll Murder

by Joanne Fluke

In this scrumptious cozy mystery from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Joanne Fluke, baker Hannah Swensen is tempted by a high-profile tournament in Lake Eden that quickly turns deadly…

Embracing a sweet escape from her usual routine at The Cookie Jar, Hannah gets asked for her help in baking pastries at the local inn for a flashy fishing competition with big prizes and even bigger names. But the fun stops when she spots a runway boat on the water and, on board, the lifeless body of the event’s renowned celebrity spokesperson…

Famed TV show host Sonny Bowman wasn’t humble about his ability to reel in winning catches, and no one knew that better than his tragically overworked sidekick, Joey. Did Joey finally take bloody revenge on his pompous boss—or was Sonny killed by a jealous contestant?

With goodies to bake and a mess of fresh challenges mixed into her personal life, it’s either sink or swim as Hannah joins forces with her sister, Andrea, to catch a clever culprit before another unsuspecting victim goes belly up…

Features Over a Dozen Cookie and Dessert Recipes from The Cookie Jar!

Monday, January 17, 2022

The Big Black Book of Sex Positiosn - Keeps You Out of the Dog House on Valentines Day


Get ready to take your sex life to a whole-new level. Here is an oversize, full-color guide to heat up any bedroom with these tantalizing positions that will enhance your sex, impress your partner, and make lovemaking more fun than ever for you.

Within this accessible and approachable guide, you’ll find exciting and steamy sex positions for penetrative and oral sex, including:

  • Missionary, Butterfly, Cowgirl
  • Amazon, Cowgirl, Hot Seat
  • Spread Eagle, Face Straddle, Leg Up
  • Deepthroat Handstand, Peek-a-Boo
  • Lots Pretzel, See Saw
  • Dancer, Ballerina, Bodyguard

The authors also offer sections on foreplay, toys, setting the mood, exercises to improve your performance and flexibility, BDSM, sex positions for the overweight, why size only matters when it’s wrong, and many other burning topics that are often overlooked.

“We hope this book and all of the positions and adventures inside add much more passion and fun to your sex life. And, in addition, it will create something special and magical for each and every one of you. Take the risk, and at least try each and every one of these positions. It will create a deeper sexual connection with your lover, as well as a more intimate, stronger love for one another.”

Having S*x with Mom: Awakening Kundalini in Skyrim, Courting Hell's Gates, and Navigating Multiverse Destiny

  Having S*x with Mom: Awakening Kundalini in Skyrim, Courting Hell's Gates, and Navigating Multiverse Destiny To explore the multiverse...