Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Uncomfortable Truth: Hard Facts Plus Tips and Techniques For Advancing in God and Life!

The Uncomfortable Truth:

Hard Facts Plus Tips and Techniques

For Advancing in God and Life!

Telling the truth verses a comfortable lie has always been my motto. In this book I delve into the harsh realities of being black and a believer of the Bible. The uncomfortable truth is even though I'm a human being, a believer in God, I'm still a black man in America. The rulers of this world are trying their best to indoctrinate us all with types of lies jammed down our throats via television and social media. From toxic masculinity to the feminization of the black man. To using music and celebrities to inadvertently make our children clones of a negative stereotypical image, that if not corrected could lead to our ultimate downfall. This book is admittedly bold, a bit controversial to some and that's ok. Sometimes you have to stir the pot to get much needed conversations going on in the church and the world at large. In this book I'm raising the bar from your typical sugarcoated "Christian" literature you maybe used to. Today, everyone is overly concerned with being politically correct even as a believer. This is not the time to be passive when lives are literally being snatched away in the black community daily. Someone has to tell it like it is and I believe I was chosen to be that voice. To hear most scholars tell it black people weren't even significant in the Bible outside of being slaves in there too. And people wonder why some black people are not open to hearing the "Good News". To me the answer is simple if you can't relate, you can't participate. In addition to exposing some uncomfortable truths this book is filled with solutions. I've included tips, tricks and techniques to help you eliminate self defeating thoughts that hinder your progress. The purpose of this book is not to give you a reason to give up but a reason to get up! In spite of the obstacles you face just for being black we serve a mighty God who can and will tip the scales in your favor so you too can be a winner! 

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