Monday, December 16, 2019

The Reticent Detective (Time to Say Goodnight)

The Reticent Detective 

(Time to Say Goodnight) 

“We are all outside the law, just some of us are further out than others.”

The words uttered by Laconto’s stepfather, echo through the detective’s mind as he tries to come to terms with his reality as a police inspector with a past, he does not want to discuss. He’d graduated the academy with ideals buoyed by innocence, only to have them crushed by policing a quasi-dystopian state, ruled by Mafiosi. “Just some are further out than others,” bouncing about his cranium, a bat trapped in his one-room apartment.

Following his dream of crushing organized crime, Laconto encounters a transvestite mugger and his lover being hunted by two bent cops, all being manipulated by an unscrupulous Secret Service Agent. 

His success or failure in the balance, he resorts to some questionable methods to achieve his goal.

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