Tuesday, December 31, 2019


When young carer, Hugh, meets a homeless man named Gamel and his horse in the woods, his life changes forever.

They need his help finding somewhere to live, but it soon becomes apparent they are not as they appear. Captivated by their mysterious world, which offers an escape from his difficult home life, Hugh comes to realise that he doesn’t want to let them go.

His friends and family are increasingly drawn to his secret in the woods. But Hugh's new friends pose a danger that could cost them their lives. Is it too late? Or can he save them from falling victim to the Nykur.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Readers Favorite Book Award Contest

Contest Features
  • Chance to win one of $50,000 in free prizes just for entering.
  • Chance to have your book made into a movie or TV show.
  • Chance to be published by an award winning traditional publisher.
  • Chance to be represented by a leading author marketing and PR firm.
  • Chance to be represented by a leading literary management company.
  • Additional award competition for illustrated books.
  • More features including a book review, award ceremony, and publicity.

Become an award-winning author! Book awards grab the attention of bookstores, publishers, libraries and readers, which can translate into increased sales. If you place in our contest you will be able to add your Readers' Favorite award seal to your book and all other marketing materials as well as identify your book as an "award-winning book" and you as an "award-winning author."

We accept manuscripts, published and unpublished books, eBooks, audiobooks, comic books, poetry books and short stories in 140+ genres. We do not have a word count restriction or a publication date requirement, which means it does not matter when or if your book was published. We are an international competition, but your work must be in English. 

Win one of $50,000 in prizes just for entering

All authors are automatically entered to win one of more than 200 prizes worth a combined total of $50,000 just by entering the Readers' Favorite International Book Award Contest. Prizes are generously donated by industry experts who support our contest and our authors. Winners are picked at random, and it does not matter how many categories you entered or whether you won an award or not. Prize winners will be announced on September 1st along with the contest results.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Big Black Book of Sex Positions

Take Your Sex Life From Boring To Mind-Blowing in a Few More Than 69 Moves

IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS SEX, BASIC AND PRIMAL IN ITS EARLY STAGES, OR SO WE THINK. . . . Perhaps modern society is simply unaware of the depth of sexual understanding our ancestors truly possessed. Maybe modern society is actually relearning the sexual secrets that have been lost over the years. We can look back to the Kama Sutra and see that thousands of years ago, the various sexual positions were given extreme importance. There are even ancient texts that suggest certain positions and angles of penetration can improve your health and even fight disease—more than just physical pleasure. However, intense physical pleasure is an excellent place to start.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Making Marketing Fun for Authors

Book Promotion Library is a group of authors that have banded together to help market their books.  We are a book marketing co-op where all authors help each other share their books.  Helping each other reach new and excited readers.  You will also get some great tips and lessons on how to be a better and more powerful writer.  Plus, a portion of your membership fee goes to help fight hunger.   

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Change Code: A Practical Guide to Making a Difference in a Polarized World

The Change Code: 

A Practical Guide to Making a Difference in a Polarized World 

You have big dreams and yearn to live a purposeful life, but it’s hard to stay inspired in today’s polarized world. The headlines make you want to dive under the covers and the discord threatens your faith in humanity. Climate change, immigration, healthcare, addiction—how are we supposed to address the world’s biggest problems when we can’t even talk to each other?

In this turbulent time, there is hope. All this fear, blame, disconnection, powerlessness, and polarization are actually signals that we’re in the midst of a major shift in consciousness.
You know you want to make a difference, but what to do? Lighting a candle or commenting on Facebook isn’t going to cut it.

The Change Code is the roadmap for this new world, showing what’s possible.As you will learn in this book, you are capable of far more than you realize.When you read The Change Code, you’ll:
•predict (more accurately) what changes will happen next,
•have tools to improve your life and the lives of others, radically,
•discover your own developmental path and purpose,
•create a clear, focused vision for your future and the world,
•find inspiring ways to serve that actually make a difference,
•better understand and be able to communicate with others, integrate the best parts of their ideas with your own, and develop bold new solutions,
•become an Agent for Change to help shift our world from breakdown to breakthrough.
Foreword by Futurist Steve McDonald, and Preface by Dr. Don Beck, author of Spiral Dynamics.

Praise for The Change Code

"My grandfather, Mahatma Gandhi, believed as long as we live in fear we will never be truly free. We are afraid of change because we are afraid of insecurity. Yet change is the only way we will save humanity from certain disaster. The Change Code will help you understand why change is necessary and how to achieve it. An excellent read."

~ Arun Gandhi, Founder, M.K.Gandhi Institute of Nonviolence, Rochester, NY, and author of “The Gift of Anger” a best-seller translated into 30 languages.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

A MIracle or Two for Christmas

As Jason looks back and reflects about the first time he saw her, it was love at first sight. A feeling stirred deep down inside of him. Over many years, his love for her grew. It was after Talia’s first year of college, when so many combined family vacations stopped. It would be fourteen years before their paths crossed again, this time it’s just the two of them. He was told if he wanted her, where to find her. So, there on a footbridge, with her eyes closed, she heard her name being said. Opening her eyes, she turns toward the soft, velvet voice. It is here, their journey of love begins. Love just needed a nudge in the right direction.

A romantic love story filled with suspense, and some twists. Love at first sight starts half-way around the world before coming home.

Use these links to purchase this book.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Get That Job!


ACE Your JOB Interview - Every Time!: First Job Interviewing Tips! Job Interview Weaknesses! Key Job Interview Questions! Master Good Job ... (Tips to Starting College Series Book 1)

*This book was previously called: How to Ace a Job Interview: A Simple Guide to Landing Any Interview

Tips to Starting College Series – GET THAT JOB!

Ace your job interview – every time!

Inasmuch as there is a no one-size-fits all method to get that job, because jobs and interviewers differ. There is a regular pattern to job interview questions and job interview weaknesses. All of the suggestions will work for you if you follow the tips of job interviewing in this book.

Get that job!
Landing a job in this contemporary job market has become more difficult than ever. People are seeing the need to learn new skills. The tips on job interviews included in this book will help you become better qualified for the position you are seeking. This job interview guide will help you determine possible weaknesses you may have while also focusing on the job interview questions.

Good Job Interview Skills
You need to convince your employer that, out of the numerous candidates whose resumes have been selected, you are the best candidate for the job. Together we will explore questions that arise in job interviews and the common weaknesses for job interviews. There is a lot more involved than just meeting with the company and telling them about yourself and your capabilities.

Tips on Job Interview
A job interview is an opportunity for you to sell yourself to your interviewer and you need to prepare to answer questions in a way that will benefit you. It is one thing to be qualified for the job, but it is another thing to convince someone else with very clear descriptions that you are not only qualified, but are the most qualified of all the candidates.

Questions in Job Interviews
No two job interviews are the same. But the job interview process generally follows a pattern with similar questions.

Weaknesses for Job Interviews
There are some things to avoid during a job interview and mistakes that constantly occur, especially among recent graduates who are interviewing for their first job.

Here’s a Preview of What You’ll Learn…
•Types of job interviews
•Face-to-face interview
•Telephone interview
•Video interview
•Three stages of the interview process
•Before the interview
•During the interview
•After the interview 
•12 most common job interview questions
•10 common job interview mistakes and how to avoid them

Thursday, December 19, 2019

God's Secret The cry of the millennials Fast your way to spiritual truth and freedom

It's a book of miracles about a millenial's spiritual journey to find truth and overcoming drug addiction, Homelessness, and new age philosophy.

It’s a quiet night as the moonlight from the cloudless sky hits the soft sand of the empty baseball field. The field is located across the street from the Samaritan Inn homeless shelter in McKinney, Texas, the breeze is cool and gentle. He walks away from the Inn toward the field, expecting. The Inn is full of battered and hopeless people from all walks of life. He walks alone toward the field, expecting. Everything in life has broken and things that seemed true couldn’t be more of a fantasy. Life has taken too much and caused too much pain. There is nothing left to lose, it’ couldn’t get any worse for this millennial. Something is going to happen, something is going to change. No cars in sight, no people chatting in the nearby apartments, and the field is completely unoccupied. The loudest noise is the gentle breeze that sweeps on the man in the cool of the brisk night. He must show up, he thinks, and he continues his thought, This is it, it’s going to happen. The man takes off his sandals and walks on the field. The sand feels soft and comforting on his feet and he begins to have the thought that has been pondering in his mind all that very day, If I draw near to him, he will draw near to me, he will show up! He begins to pace from base to base with the sand under his feet. Homeless, broke, girlfriend and parents dead, and with no hope, he only has one thought, Draw near to him, draw near to him over and over it plays like a song stuck in his mind. Pacing back and forth with the same thought over and over, Where is he? Where is he? Finally, he asks out loud to no one in visible sight, “Where are you?” and then he hears it, a whisper behind him says, “Here I am.”

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Big Black Book of Sex Positions

Take Your Sex Life From Boring To Mind-Blowing in a Few More Than 69 Moves

IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS SEX, BASIC AND PRIMAL IN ITS EARLY STAGES, OR SO WE THINK. . . . Perhaps modern society is simply unaware of the depth of sexual understanding our ancestors truly possessed. Maybe modern society is actually relearning the sexual secrets that have been lost over the years. We can look back to the Kama Sutra and see that thousands of years ago, the various sexual positions were given extreme importance. There are even ancient texts that suggest certain positions and angles of penetration can improve your health and even fight disease—more than just physical pleasure. However, intense physical pleasure is an excellent place to start.

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Reticent Detective (Time to Say Goodnight)

The Reticent Detective 

(Time to Say Goodnight) 

“We are all outside the law, just some of us are further out than others.”

The words uttered by Laconto’s stepfather, echo through the detective’s mind as he tries to come to terms with his reality as a police inspector with a past, he does not want to discuss. He’d graduated the academy with ideals buoyed by innocence, only to have them crushed by policing a quasi-dystopian state, ruled by Mafiosi. “Just some are further out than others,” bouncing about his cranium, a bat trapped in his one-room apartment.

Following his dream of crushing organized crime, Laconto encounters a transvestite mugger and his lover being hunted by two bent cops, all being manipulated by an unscrupulous Secret Service Agent. 

His success or failure in the balance, he resorts to some questionable methods to achieve his goal.

Sunday, December 15, 2019




What is your money story?
Are you working hard but not getting what you want?
You need the 10 Money Moves!
In Your Money Story: 10 Money Moves to Change Your Life, businesswoman, lawyer, and six-time author S. S. Curtis unpacks the money moves you need to get control and make your money work for you.

In these pages, you'll discover:
*The hidden trap of analysis paralysis
*How to bring more money in
*Ways to cut money going out
*How to pay off your debt
*How to gain financial security
*And more

Step-by-step, S. S. Curtis shares her proven process for harnessing the power of all ten money moves to meet your life goals.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Low-Tech Guy in a High-Tech World

Low-Tech Guy in a High-Tech World: 

Managing People, Sales, and Business in Today’s Corporate Environment

It’s no secret that Corporate America continuously experiences change. Everything from company values to the technology and processes that sales teams use are at risk to undergo rapid changes. Unfortunately for today’s businesses, they have strayed from the basics that once made companies great, things like relationship-building, accountability, and customer service. 
Companies have transitioned from being revenue-driven to cost-driven and now to data and data analytics driven. An obsession with data has allowed executives and managers to lose sight of the big picture — long-term customer success and loyalty — and focus on minute details that are easy to correct and control but might not impact overall sales and success. This has made it increasingly difficult for companies to establish brand awareness and maintain any kind of growth and sustainability.
Low-Tech Guy in a High-Tech World: Managing People, Sales, and Business in Today’s Corporate Environment stresses the back-to-basics approach in management that enabled companies to grow in the past and emphasizes how badly we need it in today’s corporate climate. Using his experience as a sales management leader for over 30 years, author Stephen Rubbicco takes an insightful look at current business practices. 
This book is a must-read for managers of all levels and experience, not to mention key executives at companies who are intent on not only surviving Corporate America but on thriving in it.

Beyond The Blue Girl

Katie Brown is a troubled girl from Edinburgh. She suffers horrific abuse from her evil father. She decides one day to leave home for a better life in London but things don’t go smoothly for her and she spirals downwards into a life of stripping and drug abuse. After meeting a rich and handsome photographer, Katie feels her life is starting to look brighter but the charming man has other plans for her that involve his psychopathic friend, the Wallpaper Man. She is introduced to the dark world of high society and has her eyes opened to the sick and twisted activities of the elite!

Friday, December 13, 2019

Once Upon a Time Bitches

That’s Branden on the cover. Yes, she has a boy’s name, a Mom bod, and her tattoos are not photoshopped. And yes, she doesn’t look like your typical author or self-help Instagram sweetheart. But besides being a wife, mom to six kids (plus others with fur), business owner, Branden is the author of this new book: a fast paced, in your face, expletive laced, nothing held back message to women everywhere: There is no magic fairytale, but if YOU work at it enough you can come pretty close to creating your version with a happily ever after. But first, no more whining and no more damsel locked in a tower, bullsh*t. Is it possible to design a fairytale life? Control your destiny? Be the hero in your story? Branden thinks there is and she wants to help you. 

Having S*x with Mom: Awakening Kundalini in Skyrim, Courting Hell's Gates, and Navigating Multiverse Destiny

  Having S*x with Mom: Awakening Kundalini in Skyrim, Courting Hell's Gates, and Navigating Multiverse Destiny To explore the multiverse...