Thursday, May 2, 2019

Enlightenment is Sexy

Enlightenment Is Sexy: 

Every Woman's Guide to a Magical Life

Living life from the INSIDE OUT is the only way to roll.

There is a whole world inside of you waiting to be tapped into. Once you begin paying attention to your inner world (instead of non-stopfocusing on trends, fashions & TV shows), once you start identifying what's working for you and what's not, once you clarify what you really want, and understand you have a choice in whether or not--and HOW--youmanifest it, get ready for radical change to start happening! Becausenothing short of a truly magical life is your birthright... andEnlightenment Is Sexy is your guide to living it!

A few years ago, the book's author, Valerie Gangas, learnedTranscendental Meditation and during her first meditation (in herwords), "I had what some people call an 'awakening'... and began to seeEVERYTHING about life differently than I had in the past. I mean, it was a sudden and profound shift in perception, such that it became clear my (and your) INNER life is what generates ALL the juice, ALL the goodies, ALL the righteous experiences any of us ever had and will ever have.And so yeah, I started living in a completely new way--from the insideout. As a result, I can now 'play' at creating a better and betterexistence every day... more and more richly rewarding life experiences(e.g. relationships, health, job, travel, studies) every day! And whatI've found is that I, you and every single person on the planet are WAYmore radiant, attractive, and yes, sexy, when that inner life is lit uplike a blazing sun!"

"Here," she says, "is how to lead an enlightened, magical life! BOOM!"

Indeed, wouldn't it be amazing to have such a strong sense of selfthat you effortlessly attract the perfect partner, an amazing job orwhatever it is your heart has longed for, but has eluded you for whatseems like your whole life? And what if that same, well-developed senseof who you are would naturally bring you more happiness than you everdreamed of?

And according to Ms. Gangas, "All of that is not only possible; it's your birthright!"

Once a self-proclaimed "wild child," Valerie Gangas went on tograduate from DePaul University with a degree in Comparative ReligiousStudies and managed a high-end restaurant in Chicago for 15 years. Butafter her mother's passing, she slid into a dark, suicidal depression,only to "recover" (her whole Self) when she learned TranscendentalMeditation and had a profound, 180-degree turnaround of perspective,what she refers to as "an awakening." Shortly after, she began workingfor the David Lynch Foundation, speaking all over the country aboutpersonal freedom, meditation and self-realization, and met OprahWinfrey. When Valerie told her story to Oprah and some of her topexecutives, Oprah simply said, "I want what that girl has."

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