Saturday, October 31, 2020

Make It Out Alive


Make It Out Alive: 

Are you ready to take a break from reality and head off on a magical journey of danger and discovery?

Do you yearn for a thrilling read to lift you out of the mundane and get your heart pumping?

Make It Out Alive tells the story of Violet, a young girl living in a fantasy world who has been forced through circumstances out of her control, to live by stealing essential food and goods just to ensure that she and her witch grandmother survive from day to day. 
But living this way was always bound to catch up with her, and now, as refugees living in the forest on the outskirts of the kingdom, Violet’s enforced misdemeanors are about to bring her whole world crashing down around her. 
The King has had enough of her lawless ways and sends Ryland, a skilled and fearless bounty hunter, to track Violet down and return her to the kingdom where she will face execution. But when Ryland and Violet become lost in the forest, their own survival becomes their only goal. As each realizes that they must rely on the other to get out of the forest alive, they begin to grow closer as an unexpected bond forms between them. 
What perils will they face as they seek a way out? Is anywhere safe? Will they ever reach a place of safety? And what of the relationship they have formed? Will Violet still be led to her death for the sake of a bag of money?
In her latest book, EmmaELLIS tackles issues such as finding love suddenly, unexpectedly, and through an unlikely source and challenges readers to think about the decisions they would make in similar situations, forcing them to question their own morality. But she does so in a safe space – a fantasy world in the pages of a book. You may not even realize at the time that you are making moral judgments as you are swept along with the story with the pair facing one tragedy after another.
Emma is a writer who loves to travel and is inspired by Paris – the city of love – in her writing. In Make It Out Alive, she introduces us to Violet, a girl who is non-conformist in a way that many of us would like to imagine ourselves to be. Violet is a good person who has rejected some of the ways that society has tried to mold her to its own view of the world. In doing so, she creates for herself a simple life in which her happiness or contentment is judged by her own values. The price she pays for that life is exile from the kingdom and a need to break the law in order to survive. Ryland is the very opposite. An enigmatic character, driven by greed and prepared to ignore his moral compass in the hunt for the bigger buck. As happens to all of us at some points in our own lives, Make It Out Alive throws these two very different characters together and examines how they cope in testing times and alongside a companion who is so very different from them.
The book will appeal to fans of romance novels who also like their stories to be a little bit out there. With Emma’s latest release, you’ll find yourself engulfed in dilemmas of the heart while simultaneously having your heart in your mouth as the daring duo battle to find salvation from everything the forest throws at them.
But beneath the surface, you’ll be asked to question what each is motivated by on their quest and where the fine line between trust and self-preservation lies.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Marketing Secrets of the Ultra-Wealthy


In Marketing Secrets of the Ultra-Wealthy, you will learn the exact processes and marketing methods that will enable you to get ahead of your competition and grow your business to incredible heights. 

Companies such as Amazon, Apple, and Starbucks know and use these strategies to dominate their marketplaces. Are you ready to unlock the secrets of their incredible success? 

This book will show you how to:
1. Influence and persuade your target market 
2. Bring on the best and highest paying clients 
3. Establish yourself as an industry leader 
4. Create and grow a massively loyal following 

If you are ready to change your business forever, learn the Marketing Secrets of the Ultra-Wealthy. Once you do, life as you know it will never be the same.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Help for Sensory Challenges


Parents become exhausted trying to help their kids who are sensory challenged! 
My years of clinical practice and research with families and children has proven that you have to work with perception and the body in order to help a child regulate. 

This book is filled with body-based simple games, like 'Cow against a Tree,' 'Focus-Relax,' or 'Come close, move back, hug.' Each series of games works with the body; special senses of the face and head, the building blocks of proprioception, tactile games, vestibular and spatial awareness, and movement action games. You will get the "why?" of the game, and the "how to play." 

Enjoy the benefits! No more melt downs, a child who can focus without sensory distractions, and more ease in parenting! Teens can use this book as well.  

Here's a few of the game titles from the Proprioception and Tactile Games Section
Cow Against a Tree 
Tight as a Rock, Loose as Water................................
Squishy Bug .............................................................
Curl Like a Snail, Grow Like a Tree.............................. 
Skin Play: Pat, Brush, Squeeze, and Rub......................
Skin Brushing .............................................................
Bone Lever Game ........................................................
Steering Wheel Toes....................................................
Windshield Wipers ...................................................... 

Parenting is a hard enough job as it is, and sensory challenges can make it a nightmare. Spread the word so parents and kids can have more fun. 


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Dark Tales From Dreamdale


Dark Tales From Dreamdale: 

Nightmares Are Everywhere Here!

When a scary nightmare creature escaped its underworld prison, a brave boy, Arden Wonder, must slay the quirky dream monster, Count Comatose. Before the vampire villain gets an opportunity to feed on the young souls that will allow Count Comatose to unleash a nightmarish apocalypse which will corrupt reality. Every dreaming child will morph into fantasy creatures and be the monster's slaves in its lair- forever!

On a full moon, Halloween night of his twelfth birthday, Arden Wonder’s best middle-grade friend, Happy Buckets, becomes a shape-shifter! He dramatically transforms into a silly, fun loving, carefree and brave werewolf, who isn’t the least at all threatening. Happy the Shape-shifter isn’t all that tamed either. Happy still has monster instincts that take over his personality, and he has no control over. But everyone in town doesn’t know that.

Happy is looking for protection from his friends. There is a hunter Down Under in Australia named Benjamin Boogieman, who wants to destroy the boy. Arden doesn’t realize that Happy is the last shape-shifter. An order to save his best friend from becoming extinct, Arden discovers an enchanted weapon at the Dreamporium where all the cool kids hang out after school, that can protect his friend. It’s a supernatural wand that can help safeguard Happy from being trapped in his monstrosity. But if Happy isn’t careful about how to use the magic wand, there could be consequences.

Click here to get Tale of the Werewolf's Wand on Amazon

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Are You Essential?


Are you Essential?: 

Are you Essential? Simple Secrets to unlocking your True Potential, Releasing the past & tapping into your Passion & Purpose!

Are you tired of being among the 85% of people that feel they aren’t good enough?

If you ever think to yourself:
Why does this keep happening to me?
I’ve been through so much, and it ruined my life.
Maybe I just don’t deserve real love, everything always falls apart.

…then it’s time to finally let go and free yourself. Through real-life experiences, blending humor, honesty, science, and wisdom that helped her overcome these very thoughts and feelings, Cindy Hope gives you simple and straightforward strategies to help you stop drowning in fear, despair, stress, and anxiety to become the best version of yourself today.

Using inspiring stories, learn:

How to find the source of your limiting beliefs and get rid of them once and for all
Why your subconscious mind sabotages your every effort, and you fail desperately each time you try to change
How to finally overcome these feelings, stick to the process, and ultimately change your life
The secret to finding your purpose in life, controlling your thoughts and stop negativity.

… and so much more.

You don't have to keep sitting there wondering what your life could look like. Your dreams don't have to be dreams--they can become your reality with just a few small tweaks.

Success and abundance are the results of intentional focus set upon building yourself a better life and, with the right

Monday, October 26, 2020

Reunion - Book 1 - Chronicle of the 12th Realm


Freebooter Trader, Aaron Abraham has it all - wealth, success, freedom; but the thirty year estrangement from his family weighs heavily. A chance invitation and a favor for the Freebooter Prime provide an opportunity to return. Accompanied by his new and stunning first officer, Petra, they leave Argos bound for Earth.

A strange encounter, an unprovoked attack and an explosion in hyperspace - a routine trip becomes a nightmare. They make it to Earth but are summoned to answer allegations of genocide on a planet no-one knew existed.

Sinister forces plot to kill them and frame Humanity for more atrocities, forcing them into a deadly fight for survival - a fight to clear the Human race of the crimes others have committed.

Filled with action, drama and even love, Reunion lights the fuse for this explosive, interdimensional adventure.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Just Beneath Hope


Just Beneath Hope 

Life has a way of sneaking up on us sometimes, taking away the people we love far too soon. Follow Bob and Brenda’s story as she recounts their love story from beginning to bittersweet end. From fishing trips spent together, to years as friends, to their relationship as husband and wife, Bob was the man Brenda wanted to always be by her side. Bob was a man with a great love of life and contagious positivity, but when he was diagnosed with cancer, those things weren’t able to save him. Even with their trust and reliance on God, Bob’s positivity waned, and he was left feeling hopeless, or just beneath hope.

Never Going Home


Never Going Home by Jeff Marlowe

Din Swift lives a life of quiet desperation. A mundane job, an abysmal wage, and a one-way road to nowhere permeating his everyday life. All this leaves him and his even more infuriated best friend, Chris, wondering how and why they came to find themselves in this world of an increasingly disposable workforce. A time far different from the “American Dream” they were brought up to know, and a vision that older generations have enjoyed considerably more. They dare to question all this and more. 

What Din is not so inclined to share is that he has already quit his job, yet does not have the nerve to tell anyone. Be it a newfound courage or a crazed second wind, Din decides to fix everything by finding a new job and thereby hoist himself out of this rut. In painful and even comical fashion, Din discovers the process of interviewing to be a full-time job in and of itself, and soon realizes why he was so reluctant to resign to begin with. It takes an agonizing twist of fate to reevaluate everything about himself, as well as everyone around him.

Follow his journey as he navigates catastrophic romances, the testing of friendships, and ultimately comes to question if the modern America he lives in, both economically and culturally, may really be within an irreversible era of decline.

After Dinner Conversation


After Dinner Conversation: Philosophy | Ethics Short Story Magazine - A monthly fiction magazine of original philosophy and ethics short stories across genres to draw out deeper discussions with friends and family.

Use discount code "OctoberDiscount" for 25% off any purchase!

Click here to start your Subscription to 

After Dinner Conversations


Friday, October 23, 2020

The Golden Journey


The Golden Journey 

From the day we are born, the clock starts ticking, and our life s journey unfolds. We venture from event to event, focused on the present but fearful of future events in our lives or the lives of ones we love. As we and our loved ones embark on the next journey in our life, how do we plan for and navigate the Golden Years? Does aging condemn us to a boring life? No! 

The Golden Journey is a collaborative story of two unlikely individuals, Grace Hunt (age 26) and Pierre Thollot (age 86). In April of 2019 they unexpectedly met and discovered a shared interest and personal stories regarding the ageing process. They began corresponding and sharing their experiences and decided to write a book. They have now become friends, confidants, coauthors, and chess partners. Their goal is to share their stories and the stories of those important to them to provide some guidance and a map for ageing as a meaningful and rewarding journey. Through dedicated research, and personal experiences these authors uncover activities and advice that are valuable tools to help anyone navigate their Golden Years. 

For anyone looking toward retirement and beyond, this is both an enjoyable and informative read. By sharing their stories and the stories of their friends, Grace and Pierre hope to inspire others to truly enjoy their Golden Journey.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Once Upon A Time Bitches


Hi, I’m Branden. That is me on the cover. Yes, I have a boy’s name, a Mom bod, and the tattoos are not photoshopped. Once upon a time I realized we all have a story, we all have a struggle and happiness is relative.
I am not cynical or hardened, I am just stating the facts. Here’s the deal:

Prince Charming doesn’t exist. 
Fairy Godmother is drunk.
Glass slippers don’t come 2 day prime shipping from Amazon.  

There is no magic fairytale, but if YOU work at it enough you can come pretty close creating your version with a happy ending. The best part is, in life you can continue to make edits until that sh*t reads exactly how you want it to.  
You may not agree with everything I say in this book but the most important takeaway is that YOU have to be your own f*cking hero. No more damsel locked in a tower, bullsh*t. 

That ends now. Join me as I take you through my 7 Magical Maxims for creating a fairytale life. (I know what you are thinking: Branden, no one gets a fairytale life.) Can you stop being so damn cynical for two seconds and just go with this? Good. Here they are: 

#1 Realize that no one is coming to save you. You have to save yourself.
#2: Accept total responsibility for every damn aspect of your life.
#3: Stop comparing yourself to others and just f*cking be you.
#4: Dream dreams that are so big they make people doubt you.
#5: Your life is the sum of your choices.Choose well.
#6: Eliminate everything evil and negative from your kingdom.
#7: Love yourself so hard you have an abundance to share with others.

Is it possible to design a fairytale life? Control your destiny? Be the hero in your story? I believe you can and that’s why I wrote this book. I am going to make you a little uncomfortable. Back out now if you aren't ready. 

Sh*t is about to get real bitches…


Monday, October 19, 2020

The Earth Was Hers


The Earth Was Hers

The Earth Was Hers, is an espionage thriller where three young women from very different walks of life, are forced to choose a path of heroism or victimization. Their stories are woven together by dreams and visions, The Earth Was Hers examines the individual responses of Nadia, Emily, and Tamar, to the difficult choices put before them. Choices that will forever affect not only their own lives, but the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Nadia, a young Afghani woman, known for her bravery and charitable work, is seduced into a new and growing terrorist organization. Emily, an Israeli microbiologist, is tasked with the creation of a vaccine against an insidious biological weapon before it can devastate a large majority of the world’s population. Tamar, a member of a Washington bomb squad, must dismantle a nuclear device planted outside the White House grounds before it destroys the nation’s capital.

Sunday, October 18, 2020



Since her father died, Kate Sweeting’s home life has been in the pits, her well-being on life support. Her future looks desolate until she and her mother, Cara, make another plan: abandon their shriveled existence for more promising prospects on the coast, where Cara can play small-town librarian-bachelorette and Kate can figure out what’s up with that secretive Blake family from the beach.

Everyone is eerily captivated with Kate and her mother, and Cara is the first to figure out why when the man of her dreams arrives all dripping and devoted and closed-mouthed about what he intends. Kate is willing to go along with their subterfuge for a while, but eventually makes a charge for the water to learn what her mother is hiding. Gabe Blake is there waiting for her…and so is someone considerably less friendly. By the time Kate navigates her way home, everything will have changed for her—what she feels, what she wants, and what she’ll risk to be with the man she loves.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Pimping Ain't Easy - But Somebody's Gotta Do It


Pimping Ain't Easy: 

But Somebody's Gotta Do It

A young journalism student named Coffee is granted the opportunity of a lifetime. During her spring break she has to follow Mickey Royal around day and night in order to do a report on The Pimp Game.

As Coffee accompanies Mickey Royal throughout his daily life, she embarks on an adventure like no other. She immerses herself into the underbelly of the shadow world and learns lessons she won't soon forget.

Friday, October 16, 2020



Heini grows up in Littleboogertown, where all people are nuts for pickles, always in a super grumpy mood and always afraid of everything. And they know who’s to blame for their grumpiness and their fear: those neighbors from Greaterboogertown!

One day, Heini meets Leopold, a Greaterboogertowner. They become friends, and together they defy all the meanies around them with their courage and their fantasy, They go on a magic journey, and Heiniman and Superpoldie, with a little giant’s help, outwit all the Boogertownees.

A picture book to laugh and to think about prejudices and exclusion - and how to overcome them with friendship, courage and a good heart. Told through a metaphor of pickles, strawberrycakes and a wise female Giant, who magically sees them all clearly through her Superglasses.

A Seoul Searching Adventure: Mysteries, Mishaps, and Missing Artifacts (A Sean O’Leary Books LLC Publication)

  A Seoul Searching Adventure: Mysteries, Mishaps, and Missing Artifacts (A Sean O’Leary Books LLC Publication) A Seoul Searching Adventure-...