Thursday, October 31, 2019

What They Don't Tell You About Having A Baby

What They Don't Tell You About Having A Baby:

An Obstetrician's Unofficial Guide to Preconception, Pregnancy, and Postpartum Life

Bringing a baby into the world is one of the most beautiful, natural parts of life, but that certainly doesn't mean it s easy! 
Dr. Heather L. Johnson has been a practicing OB-GYN (obstetrician gynecologist) for 40 years, helping expectant mothers through the pregnancy process and delivering their babies. In "What They Don't Tell You About Having a Baby: An Obstetrician's Unofficial Guide to Preconception, Pregnancy, and Postpartum Life," she shares what she has learned throughout her career to assist parents and parents-to-be of all ages.
This guide covers everything from tips and tricks for a smooth conception, how much caffeine is really okay during pregnancy, how to survive those first several confusing postpartum weeks and everything in between. Dr. Johnson shares the lessons she's learned from years of experience and includes conversations she's had with her own patients along with her Dr. J's pearls in an effort to help others. Babies don't come with an owner's manual, but "What They Don't Tell You About Having a Baby" is a great start.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: The Essential Guide to True Happiness

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone:

The Essential Guide to True Happiness

What most of us don't realize is that we are holding ourselves back. We have people, places, and things around us that don't belong. We make choices based on comfort and security, when we could be living our lives more fully. What if we let go of our comfort zone and saw what was truly possible? Melissa Lucas went through a life-changing happiness project from January 2011 until now (growth never stops)—and you can too! She transformed from an unhappy, unfulfilled, too-many-drinks, too-much-money-spending, always-eating-takeout kind of person, into a happy, fulfilled, healthy, empowered woman. Out of this experience, after overcoming personal fear and trauma, she decided to help people meet their full potential in both their personal and professional life, culminating in this book. Melissa shares her secrets, her stories, and 16 essential happiness habits that offer practical solutions to change your life for the better. Get the benefit of Melissa’s many years of hard work to create your own best life.

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: The Essential Guide to True Happiness is a manifesto for claiming a free and liberating life of your desires. You’ll accept that life can be adventurous, fun and that you don’t have to live a comfortably unhappy life. You’ll discover how to tap into happiness, purpose, success, and well-being. This book will make finding happiness effortless!

Here’s what you can expect:

I’ll share how to create a life that truly makes you feel alive and excited to get out of bed.
I’ll teach you techniques that will help you delete fear and leave comfort behind — because you have been held back for far too long and it's time to step forward into the life that was truly meant for you!

I’ll guide you to delete all that you don't love and create more things that will bring you ultimate freedom and joy!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Words of Wisdom: Nursing

The field of nursing has been built and shaped by outstanding and innovative nurses like those who share their words of nursing wisdom here. Many of these participating nurses devote their time and talents to research, many have written journal articles and textbooks that are used on a daily basis, many train other nurses, and each and every one of them have devoted themselves to caring for patients and have helped evolve the medical specialty of nursing into the vibrant, diverse, and challenging field that it is today. It would be amazing to have the opportunity to sit down with each of these nurses in person and absorb as much of their knowledge as possible, to hear their stories and their words of wisdom. But we all know that this is impossible because we are all in different locations around the country. Let this book be a way for you to have a brief meeting with these amazing nurses. I think you will find, as I have in my own medical education and practice, and in compiling this book, that they have much wisdom to share.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Somewhere Enchanted

A cursed forest guarded by an ancient and powerful being. A troubled village on the brink of self-destruction. One warrior's quest to save the ones he loves. 

For countless generations the inhabitants of the village named Elnubrium have passed down one rule: Never enter the forest that surrounds them. Hidden deep beyond its borders is a world full of secrets and wonders to behold, but also death to those that don't belong. However, the village is slowly dying, blocked by impassable mountains and the ancient forest, there isn't enough room to provide for people of Elnubrium. If something isn't done soon, drastic measures will be taken to preserve the current way of life in the village.

Somewhere Enchanted is a captivating story full of fantasy, love, and sacrifice.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Excerpts From An Abstract Mind

Life is unpredictable. We are given no map at birth, and yet we wade through the adventure together, learning different things along the way while collecting experiences. Excerpts from an Abstract Mind is a poetry collection about the chance encounters, lessons learned, and ideologies acquired by author Ewana Hines as she plays witness from the sidelines of life.

She tells stories about a frightening Ouija board and a caged lion that yearns to be free, but she also delves into philosophy and personal battles. For instance, there are times in this mad life when we must run and other times when we must stand and fight. Ewana enumerates the importance of trying while asking questions and then answering them.

The book is a passionate tango between fervent beliefs and carnal flesh. At times, it dances past political correctness on its path toward the priceless treasure of love for self, the Lord, and our fellow human. This journey unfolds through the lenses of poetry and narrative storytelling. Come and see where the abstract mind will go.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Undercover Bag Lady

Undercover Bag Lady: 

An Exposé of Christian Attitudes Toward the Homeless 

Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me.

After leading a small nondenominational church and helping to serve the homeless community for 30 years, former pastor Kimberly Bowman set out on a social experiment that was decades in the making. A lifelong curiosity in human interaction and a passion to enact social change distilled themselves in the Undercover Bag Lady project.

Carefully disguised in tattered layers of dirty rags, Kimberly Bowman assumed the life of Jean, the homeless bag lady, and approached 10 different churches from the heart of the Bible Belt. Over the course of eight weeks, Jean attended Sunday morning services and took note of the reception her indigent character received.

From outright hostility to overwhelming generosity, the undercover bag lady encountered the full spectrum of humanity’s potential for acceptance. “Undercover Bag Lady: An Exposé of Christian Attitudes Toward the Homeless” examines the silent hypocrisy and the humbling benevolence that exist beyond the closed doors of the Christian church. In beautifully poignant prose, this unyielding exposé of a silent, fringe community’s experiences turns the mirror on the Christian Church and compels it to examine if it is truly following Christ’s message of unconditional love.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dance of the Heart

Dance of the Heart takes you on a relatable and heartfelt journey through everyday hardship and joy. Revealing heartbreak, confusion, and the unexplainable through poems, you are sure to be captivated while taking part in the soul-searching adventure contained within this collection.
Penned by a high school student who relates to searching for identity and trying to understand love, Dance of the Heart is a perfect balance between identification and inspiration. Grace VanSciver urges you to see the beauty in ordinary moments, seize the opportunities presented by life, and cherish important relationships.
Using incredible emotional perception and a deep understanding of human insecurity and doubt, Grace helps you consider your own feelings and perceptions in situations you encounter. She is thankful to all who have inspired her along the way and hopes that through her poetry, you also will be inspired to dance the dance of your heart.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

YOOTOOB! Susan's Day of Retribution

A satirical dystopian comedy book about the downfall of YouTube and its CEO Susan Wojcicki, full of dark humor and edgy comedy.

The year is 2025, mass shootings happen every hour by ethnic minorities always shifting the blame on white people, the new generation of people drink chocolate milk made out of elephant dung, the new president of the United States is a midget dressed like a clown, and YouTube is at the height of being the video platform monopoly after smashing alt-right video platforms like Bitchute and Vimeo. Everyone is making videos of themselves publicly shitting and pissing on grocery store products and then eating it all together as the new social media trend, Stephen Colbert has become Stephanie Colbert, a transgender furry woman, and is publicly posting his tranny furry porn videos on YouTube without punishment, and there are ads on YouTube about an app that lets you control the mind of top-tier Hollywood celebrities.

Susan Wojcicki is at the height of her company’s career at YouTube. Her platform got to an extreme point where every single individual content creator has been banned out of the platform and the only remaining content is from MSM and corporations. Even PewDiePie has been kicked off the platform. She is enjoying endless riches from kissing the ass of MSM all day, every day. But soon she’ll find out that karma will strike back at her faster than she manages to create one video for her YouTube channel.

Will the pressure generated by the general discontent of everyone in the planet drive Susan to the end of her career? Will every content creator she’s banned push her into her doom? Will the mistakes of Susan’s past haunt her into insanity? Presence the fall of a sociopathic vermin, the story of a corporate psychopath in her way to her final days.

In this satirical dystopian comedy novel, be warned! If this book ain't your cup of tea, leave!

Monday, October 21, 2019

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Are you an avid e-book reader who loves reading kindle books on your mobile device? If you are in the habit of reading e-books, our Bookstore app is the perfect place you can discover your new favorite titles! 


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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Get A Real Job

Get A "Real" Job:

Memoirs, Stories, Tips & Crude Talk With a Semi Sober Waiter 

A lifer in the hospitality industry, Fred Joseph gives readers a candid and hilarious look into the highs and lows of tending bars and waiting tables in this new book. Part memoir, part cautionary tale, and full of humor, you will find yourself smiling with every word. As you read “Get A Real Job” you’ll find clever tales and interesting interactions including: What does it take to make a host from The View lose her mind in public?The Types of Customers We “Love” to ServeOn the generosity of Tom Cruise The 80 PercentersAnd much, much moreLet Fred guide you along the misadventures of his youth in his imitable style and eye for the amusing. If you are sick of gross-out restaurant books and want to enjoy a wild tale of one man’s brush with the rich and famous (as well as the poor and stupid), you’ll love, “Get A Real Job”!

Saturday, October 19, 2019


Introducing the first installment in the RAIN trilogy, An action-packed and unpredictable YA SUPERHERO FANTASY.  

For fifteen year old, Tyler Grey, the line between myth and reality is quickly blurred, when he inadvertently becomes the host to an ancient power. A power that puts him on the radar of not only a deadly black ops organization but also very old and malevolent beings, that are eager to see both it and him destroyed. 

He has but two choices: 
RISE up and FIGHT!

Friday, October 18, 2019

SNAKE: The Second Revolution

No one is special

The Iraqi conflict drags on and the American public is tired.

Protests erupt. Uprisings ensue.

The U.S. Government attempts to silence it. Deploying some of their darkest experiments to quelch the opposition.

The rebellion sucked John in as a teen. He didn’t ask for it, 
but he keeps moving forward.

Years after his home is destroyed by the early stages of the oncoming war.

He is named head of the newly established elite unit COBRAS,
He drills his mentality into his Snakes.

No one is special.

Keep moving forward.

Torn between his loyalty to his word to uphold the constitution and his oath to protect the people

John will lead his team into the fires of hell as the country plunges into the second American revolution.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Magic Lessons

Celebratory and Cautionary Tales about Life as a

(Single, Gay, Transracially Adoptive) Dad 

Every family has a story--but very few have a story like Joseph Sadusky and his sons, Daveon and Mark. 

In Magic Lessons, Joe shares a look back as he, a single gay man, decided to build his family through transracial adoption. In a lighthearted collection of stories and lessons learned, Joe humorously but honestly describes the process as he set out to adopt two older children, and what happened after they came together under one roof and became "us."

Along the way, Joe details how often he was, in his own words, "amazed, aggravated, mind-blown, jaw-dropped, befuddled, exasperated, and awed-both in good ways and bad, both by my kids and by the many players who have had a part in our family story overall." 

By revealing lessons learned about being "other," as well as Joe's own parenting mistakes, Magic Lessons provides a guide for anyone who is part of, or considering, an alternative family structure.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Charlene “Charlie” MacLeod, was born with the very rare and dangerous ability to light fires by the sheer power of her will. This power makes her both an object of fear and a target for exploitation. At only six years of age Charlie returns from a day trip with her father, Jack MacLeod to find that her mother murdered by government agents bent on capturing her to exploit her powers. 
For the next two years Charlie and Jack go on the run, barely managing to stay ahead of the federal government. During this time Charlie finds herself facing a number of moral dilemmas as she is repeatedly forced to use her power to survive and protect herself and her father from capture. 
Eventually, Charlie and Jack are captured by the NSA and taken to their Fallow Point Compound in South Carolina.  Charlie is convinced to submit to experimentation on her powers by Robin Striker, an old friend of her father’s, who poses as an ally. Charlie ultimately learns that Robin is manipulating her and attempts to escape. During the course of this escape Robin fatally shoots Jack, and Charlie proceeds to incinerate him along with the entire Fallow Point compound.
Two weeks later, David and Catherine McAuliffe, a young couple gifted with similar powers to Charlie, discover Charlie in Central Park New York. David and Catherine adopt Charlie as their own daughter but quickly find themselves the target of the NSA which now seeks to kill Charlie and anyone who knows of her existence. 
Once again on the run, Charlie is attacked in the night by a government Asset and fatally poisoned. After a near death experience it becomes clear that Charlie is more than just a pyrokinetic, though neither she nor her adoptive parents yet realize her true importance.
Without any other options, David takes Catherine and Charlie to his father’s home in northern Scotland where he learns that Charlie is gifted with the power to unlock a pair of legendary weapons capable of channeling incredible power.
David’s father, James Lenox, encourages David to have Charlie unlock one of the weapons and to train her to use her power for good. Having previously rejected their powers in favor of trying to live a normal life both David and Catherine are resistant to James’ advice but in the end to encourage Charlie to unlock one of the weapons and begin her training.
Not long after Charlie begins her training, a new threat emerges in the form of the Black Empire, a malevolent nation led by men and women who have chosen to use their powers for selfish gain. Charlie, David and Catherine are taken by the Black Empire and separated. Charlie is first subjected to torment. Then she is offered both the promise of power and revenge for the deaths of her father and mother.
Since the death of her parents, Charlie has carried around a tremendous amount of anger and a powerful desire for revenge. Charlie knows that this desire is wrong and has been taught from an early age to fear her power and to believe that using her power is dangerous and wrong. Still she cannot let go of her anger and desire for her revenge and is tempted by the promise of revenge and the freedom to use her power at will.
Charlie struggles internally with her own anger and desire for revenge and nearly gives in when she is brought face to face with Robin Striker, whom she had previously believed she had killed. 
After narrowly rejecting revenge, Charlie escapes with David and Catherine only to be confronted by Robin who challenges her to face him one on one. Charlie accepts, knowing that she will easily kill him and quickly finishes Robin off with a decapitating sword stroke.
After killing Robin, Charlie along with David and Catherine are recaptured by Black Imperial troops and Charlie is forced to face her own inner darkness. With some difficulty Charlie rejects temptation and learns to control her anger and desire for revenge. Though she still hates the people she views as responsible for the deaths of her mother and father and her own suffering Charlie learns that she can control these feelings and reaffirms her desire not to misuse her power.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Cursed Eye

Hiroshi Tadao never understood why he had excelled in everything he attempted despite only being a child, but because of this, instead of enjoying his childhood, he spent
his days often pondering on the bigger picture and how to change the current crime-ridden state of Japan. One day, his wish seemingly comes true as a mysterious man named
Kaito enters his life and reveals a shocking truth. Hiroshi was one of the few in the world born with an intelligence-enhancing, god-like power granting ocular mutation
only known as the Noromi. Will Hiroshi be able to change Japan, and even the rest of the world like he dreams?

Monday, October 14, 2019

WE Looked Like Giants

South African Abernathy Jones has thought a lot about dying…At 20 years old, she has no desire for a long life. In the past year, she’s become quite adept at fantasizing about how she’ll go; jumping off a building, swallowing a handful of pills, flinging herself off a bridge into oncoming traffic. So when she finds herself on the verge of unconsciousness in the middle of a car wreck somewhere in southern California, she doesn’t think it’s a bad way to go. Except for the fact that she’s not alone in that car. There’s someone else bleeding next to her, and it’s not looking good for either of them. There was a plan for dying, sure, but not one that included another person. Especially not someone she might be in love with. Seemingly on the verge of something she’s desired for so long, Abby is confronted with a decision. Live or die. Give up or fight on. Simple enough, right? Especially when you thought the choice was already made…Reaching across the globe from Cape Town to California, We Looked like Giants is a story about despair, friendship, hope, love and being brave.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

That Fall

Author Christy Schmidt invites readers to her Patreon page to discover serialized books, advance access to unpublished books, short stories, and experimental material. Patrons enjoy exciting rewards including autographed hard copies, letters from characters, and interaction with the author. This month her unreleased title, THAT FALL, is serialized and ready for you to read.

The day mysterious sonic booms and hovering alien crafts alarm the world, professor Angie Krigare is committed to an institution where a fellow patient demands her release and provides an implausible explanation for her bizarre abilities: She is the leader of the peace-keeping force determined to prevent the annihilation of planet Earth. 

Accomplished history professor and yoga enthusiast Angie Krigare lives alone with her cat. The day the inexplicable sonic booms shake Earth, Angie, exhibiting deadly powers, is plagued with terrifying memories of the kidnapping of a son she does not have. The staff of Longwood Mental Institution, wary she may kill again, struggle to understand Angie’s inconceivable medical profile and to keep the staff and other patients safe until the FBI retrieves her. The patient in room thirty-six, with his own inexplicable abilities, offers an implausible explanation: Immortal Angie must regain her memory before those claiming to be from the government offer her, and the Earth, a less attractive alternative. The impossible surrounds us. 

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Heels vs Ties

Heels vs Ties: 

Living with your #1 threat

In this Book, Dr. Alvarez shares a comprehensive guide for women to help them understand their risk for heart disease, what is important to discuss with their doctor, and empower women to take charge of their health.
Coronary Artery Disease is the number one health threat among both American men and women. However, today’s research focuses almost entirely on men. When it comes to women, heart disease is under-researched, under-treated and under-diagnosed. With fundamental biological differences between the sexes, why do we allow our doctors to treat us like we have the same type of heart? 

Aside from reproductive concerns, medical research has historically neglected the health needs of women. This is what we like to call the “Bikini Approach” or the “Gender Gap.” Just a couple of decades ago, heart disease was considered strictly a man’s disease and even though we have come a long way, many doctors are still practicing medicine based on studies performed on a population of predominantly white middle-aged men. 

Dr. Nitza Alvarez, an accomplished cardiologist who has a particular passion for her female patients, has written this comprehensive guide, specifically for women, to help them in understanding and living with their “#1 threat,” heart disease. This book promotes awareness of the increased risk that we as women have of dying from a medical condition that is very often preventable.

Dr. Alvarez named the book Heels vs. Ties because heels have an unquestionably feminine association, while ties were a must-have clothing accessory for men. Contrasting these two symbolic objects is done intentionally to emphasize that there are clear differences in risks, symptoms, presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of heart disease in women.

also visit the book website

Little Joe and the Big Rain

  Little Joe and the Big Rain When Little Joe’s froggy friend Hopper invites him over for a nice bowl of fly soup, they embark on Little Joe...